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Something That Unites Us

Every Montanan regardless of income or background has a right to enjoy the outdoors. That's why ranchers, trail users, conservationists, and hunters are united in their support of the Montana Outdoor Fund. 

"Our ranch was proud to partner with the State to open public access and conserve our ranch using the Habitat Montana account. Now more landowners, hunters, and other outdoor enthusiasts will have access to this same opportunity."

- John Rumney, Rancher

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“It is significant that the legacy of conservation, outdoor access, and our state parks now have a dependable stewardship investment. Montana’s citizen voices have been heard."

- Christine Whitlach, Educator


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Montana voters say state lawmakers should continue funding the great outdoors with taxes from recreational marijuana. 

"This funding is a commitment to the outdoors and the working landscapes that make up two-thirds of Montana's land base. Montana farmers and ranchers need financial tools like this to withstand ever-increasing development pressures. These new funding dollars are an investment in Montana's agricultural heritage and outdoors legacy.” 

- Tyrell Hubbard, Small Business Owner

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“Montanans seized a historic opportunity to secure permanent, stable funding for conservation and wildlife management. It is rare that so many critical wildlife and recreational needs will be met with this single funding source. And just as important, these funds will be critical to securing matching federal dollars.” 

- Brian Solan, Montana WildSheep Foundation

"With increasing demands on Montana’s land, water, and wildlife, funding the outdoors is more important than ever. This funding source allows future generations greater opportunities and access to their outdoor heritage.” 

- Sonya Smith, Co-Lead of Montana Artemis Alliance

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"As a proud Montanan the outdoors is what makes Montana special. If we don’t work to preserve out great outdoors there may not be an outdoors to experience for our future generations."

- Brent Bartle, Jefferson City


The Montana Outdoor Conservation Fund is long-term investment in our land and water that was created by Montana voters and authorized by the 67th session of the Montana legislature. 

Save the Outdoor Fund

Ask Governor Gianforte to reaffirm his support for the Montana Outdoor Fund by including it in Montana's operating budget. 

© 2024 Montana Outdoor Fund. Website by M Design GroupHave Questions?  

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